Who is the Certifiable Technologist?


The name Certifiable Technologist stems from the inordinate number of technical certifications I seem to have acquired over the years, my keen interest in Psychology and the social sciences, and my ironic sense of humor.

I have been in the industry as some combination of engineer, instructor, project manager, and/or entrepreneur since the mid 1990s. I'm currently working to startup a security practice at SAGE Computer Associates, where I am the Security Practice Manager.

Strangely enough, I initially had no inclination towards work in security, systems integration, networking, or any technical field. In fact, my degree is in Psychology of all things, with minors in History and Asian Studies. Far from being any type of handicap, I have found that these interests provide me with a much fuller understanding of how technology is used, not just how it works.

On the technical side, I began by working with Novell when it was THE server OS, not just another Linux flavor, and got both the MCNE and MCNI (both retired). I quickly added Microsoft (MCSE, MCT, MCSA, MCP) and rejoiced when they became a viable server solution (Windows 2000 Server) and jumped into Cisco (CCNP(retired), CCSP, CCNA, CCDA). I've done a lot with various groupware services (Exchange, Lotus Notes, GroupWise) and database admin (MS SQL and Pervasive). I've also delved more deeply into the security side (CISSP, CCSP, INFOSEC) and more firewalls (SonicWall CSSA). I recently did quite a bit with Vista beta and have been wrestling with it's "interface for idiots" and driver hell ever since. What I wouldn't give for a fully functional video driver...

I would categorize myself a Windows guy, but I know enough about Unix/Linux to be dangerous (at least to myself). I have an old laptop running Ubuntu so I can play MP3s and have a clock handy while playing games. Yeah, it's the "user friendly" Linux (now there's an oxymoron), but it came with a decent media player. Besides, the command line was the only other thing I was looking for to learn the system.

As far as Apple's go, um, I used my roommate’s Mac in college to play Civilization I. Oh, and I had the heartwarming experience of having to shove a straightened paper clip into a tiny, un-seeable hole in the ass end of one of those purple bubble iMacs for my brother in law. It was 6 or 7 years ago, and if I remember correctly, it was the only way to turn the thing off to upgrade to OS 8 or 9. Nothing like blindly shoving a metal shank into holes in a high voltage appliance to turn me into a fan.

On a more personal note, my wife and I recently purchased a home in Albany NY, which has brought out the handyman in me (at least I think so). We live with our two cats, Hobbes and Basha.


Site Development

Day 1

04/01/2008 22:16
OK, so it's a wysiwyg. Sorry, but my HTML and site design experience is about 9 years old at this point, and frankly I'd rather worry about the content of the site than debugging my cruddy attempts at coding. "A man's got to know his limitations..." This site is geared towards security... however I make no promises about the security of the site itself. The hosting company (webnode.com) has the 2 things I am initially looking for: the right price (free) and decent page building options. Please be kind. -J-